Friday, September 30, 2011
the neologism that I chose to post is spanglish. It comes from the languages spanish and english put together in the same conversation. for example: Quandos anos are you would mean how many years are you or how old are you.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
teenage bully
kids use the words drama instead of bulling because it makes it less of a big deal and the word drama doesn't seem as bad.. The word drama can be empowering because it makes it to seem as though it's not that big of a deal.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Tyler Clementi
Tyler Clementi was a freshman at Rutgers University. He was an eighteen year old distinguished musician who enjoyed playing the violin. I'm sure that he was a fine young man that will be missed by family and friends. The language of human right were under attack when two of his fellow peers decided to take his rights to privacy away. He had the right to love and have sexual relations with any one that he wanted; it just so happened to be with another male,so his right to privacy had fallen into the wring hands when Dharun Ravi and Molly Wei decided to secretly video tape him having sexual relations with another male. As a result, Tyler had decided to take away his own rights to live. He felt so violated that he jumped off the George Washington bridge after he posted his feelings on face book. Now, his roommates are facing two counts of invasion of privacy and are about to have their rights to freedom taken away. They took credit for their actions of narrative events and now it's time for them to face the music.
Monday, September 19, 2011
How to pronounce my name
My name is Michelle. This might be a little difficult for some people two pronounce, so. I'm going to help you out a bit with that. First things first; The MI (using bibabials), is pronounced MU by putting your two lips together to make the mmm sound. The CH is pronounced SH (using your palatals) putting you teeth together and breathing out. The ELLE is pronounced L by breathing out with your tongue touching the roof of your mouth. Michelle is a voiced sound.
In the Memoirs from the Slave Narrative Collection “When I was a slave” edited by Norman R.
Yetman, he introduced many slaves and their stories of fear and survival. Frank Bell (one of the slaves)
was interviewed in Texas, at the age of eighty six, by an unidentified interviewer. He states, “My master
was a Frenceman and was real mean to me” (Yetman 9). He also states that “ When I’m about
seventeen I marries a gal while Master on drunk spell……HE (Master) takes a big, long knife and cuts her
head plump off and ties a great, heavy weight to her and makes me throw her in the river”(Yetman 9).
Can up imagine your wife having her head chopped off and your “Master” making you throw her body
in the river. All Frank Bell wanted was to be free and happy. He wanted to fall in love which was
supposed to be a part of his Human Rights…to be safe and happy; at least that what it states in the
Declaration of Indepenance. Instead, he had what little bit of love that he had stripped away from him.
He was to help his owner torturer and kill his love and throw her body in a river like it was a game. I
believe that one of the main important emotions that were felt by all the slaves was fear and survival. I
believe this because who in their right mind wants to be beaten while chained to a wall. Who wants to
wear dirty clothes with holes and afraid and have to answer to anybody. He was afraid to leave. He
states that “…he puts me in chains and every night he comes give me a whippin for a long time” (Yetman
Sunday, September 18, 2011
The Declaraion of Independence states "We hold these truths to be self-
evident, that all men are to be treated equal, that they are endowed by their Creater with
certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of
Happiness.." The government was to secure these rights and if it is somehow
contradicted, the people who are protected by these rights have the right to institute a
new government. If this was in fact the case, then why was there slavery in the first
place. Why was it alright for a man to own another. I believe that no man who were
owned by another was protected by these rights. They could not have possible been
happy to be beaten, starved and told what to do. The average life span of a slave was
no more than thirty years olds because of this. They were literelly worked to death.
How is that protecting their saftey as the Decleration of Independence states it does.
Slaves sufferd a long time...years and years of abuse- Generation to generation. Slaves
didn't even have the right to defend themselves. The Declaration of Independance only
protected the men and woman who owned the slaves....that means that slaves were
NOT created equal because they were not concidered man or woman. They were like
animals, but even animanls have rights...don't they. This is when the contradiction
comes in.
In Banneker's letter to Mr. T Jefferson, he makes it his bussiness to try and get his
point accross when talking about equallity and justice. All man was born with the same
fives senses and emotions and that's what makes us all equal. We were all creatred the
same by a Creator who's intentions was not of thoes of the white man in these times.
There was even black on black slavery. In order to not get killed and or owned, they
decided to work for the enemey, but that was just another form of slavery....wasn't it?
I'm sure that Equiano thought the same way when he was kidnapped as an eleven year
old, by blacks, and then traded to another black family and then to another until he
found himself on a boat as cargo. It had to have been hell. To rather drown then to
deal with the cruelty and barbarism in the hands of another men who are suppose to
share the same rights as you.
evident, that all men are to be treated equal, that they are endowed by their Creater with
certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of
Happiness.." The government was to secure these rights and if it is somehow
contradicted, the people who are protected by these rights have the right to institute a
new government. If this was in fact the case, then why was there slavery in the first
place. Why was it alright for a man to own another. I believe that no man who were
owned by another was protected by these rights. They could not have possible been
happy to be beaten, starved and told what to do. The average life span of a slave was
no more than thirty years olds because of this. They were literelly worked to death.
How is that protecting their saftey as the Decleration of Independence states it does.
Slaves sufferd a long time...years and years of abuse- Generation to generation. Slaves
didn't even have the right to defend themselves. The Declaration of Independance only
protected the men and woman who owned the slaves....that means that slaves were
NOT created equal because they were not concidered man or woman. They were like
animals, but even animanls have rights...don't they. This is when the contradiction
comes in.
In Banneker's letter to Mr. T Jefferson, he makes it his bussiness to try and get his
point accross when talking about equallity and justice. All man was born with the same
fives senses and emotions and that's what makes us all equal. We were all creatred the
same by a Creator who's intentions was not of thoes of the white man in these times.
There was even black on black slavery. In order to not get killed and or owned, they
decided to work for the enemey, but that was just another form of slavery....wasn't it?
I'm sure that Equiano thought the same way when he was kidnapped as an eleven year
old, by blacks, and then traded to another black family and then to another until he
found himself on a boat as cargo. It had to have been hell. To rather drown then to
deal with the cruelty and barbarism in the hands of another men who are suppose to
share the same rights as you.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
ruff draft for cooper
I believe that the most important emotional knowledge communicated by the slave in this
passage was fear and anxiety. I believe this because when the slaves were captured and taking away
from the only life that they ever known, it had to have been very overwhelming. They didn’t have
anywhere to go and nowhere to run in fear of being lynched or whipped. Although they were aware of
the fact that kidnappers were on a prowl, who could ever imagine that it would happen to them. When
the time came to be taken into captivity and bought into another family to be treated as if they’re your
own, yet striped away from your own loved ones, had to be a scary felling not knowing what would
come next. There were different “levels” of Slavery. They were preparing them for the unimaginable.
Equiano felt fear and anxiety during most of his journey. One time when it was most felt was the
day he was feeding his masters chickens. He had thrown a rock at one of them that ending with its
death. The consequences were obvious to Equiano and therefor allowed his fear to take over. He knew
that as soon as his “master” found out what he had done, he might as well have been that chicken. He
decided to hide in a bush for the remainder of the day until his brain was able to plot out an escape.
Hearing talk of him not being able to make it home on foot by himself because of the wild animals and
the fact that it was too far, made it more difficult to figure out a plan. His anxiety began to kick in and
couldn’t figure out his next move. Equiano decided to wait it out until he ran out of ideas. The next best
thing for him to do was to return to the house and face the music. He waited until everyone was asleep
and crept back to hell. The oven was open so he made it his bed for the night with hopes that the other
slaves would not see him and turn it on in the morning while preparing “masters” breakfast and put an
end to his misery. Unfortunately, that was not the case. In this passage he said: “I was scarcely awake in
the morning, when the old woman slave, who was first up, came to light the fire, and saw me in the fire
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
The cluster of classes seemed to be a little over whelming for me at the present moment, however i also finds it extremely interesting. I have a full time job and I"m a single mom trying to go to school full time. The only time that i have to use the computers is in class. I don't have access to a computer and I don't know how to blog or tweet, yet it's apart of my grade. I'm scared that it will affect the points that i need for each class. I can't always depend on my class mates to help me out. Technology is very confusing to me, but I'll get it. Other than that I'm enjoying myself and find the work that we're doing interesting. Human rights is something that everyone should be aware of and pay attention to.
Michelle Jackson 9-9-11
Relationships to language
Even though English is my primary language there are different ways in which it is spoken. Depending on the environment that I’m in and the people that I’m around, determines how well or poorly it is spoken. Language is a form of expression; for example, I wouldn’t speak the same way to my elders that I would of my peers. Although I can have the same exact conversation with them both, the language preference or how the conversation is delivered will definitely differ- The same goes for how a conversation is presented to a potential employer or a professor. You wouldn’t use slang or Spanglish when going on a job interview because it would be extremely inappropriate and unprofessional.
People who learn English the fastest (or any other language for that matter) are those who read. The types of books, articles, and or magazines that people choose to read matters also. It plays a big part in how you can interpret the language.
Although English is my native language, it would be just as easy for me to learn another language if I just read. That goes for anyone who is determined enough to learn another language. I speak English different depending on the environment that I’m in and I think that also goes for anyone else. When I’m at work, I keep it very professional. I don’t curse and I don’t speak slang: for example “What up” or “What’s really good” would be translated into “Hello” or “How are you doing” in my work environment as well as to my elders. “I’m just keepin it real” is translated to “I’m just telling the truth.” “Aight” is of course not a word, but it is used constantly meaning “Alright,” It’s just a form of slang. As long as I can change up when it is called for, it should be alright.
Some people have a harder time differentiating the difference on when to talk proper and when it’s ok if you don’t. Knowing how to use language makes a big difference on how you get along with the rest of the world. It shows how you can or can’t relate to certain individuals. Even tough what you say (aight as oppose to alright) might just mean the same thing, someone else whom doesn’t speak in those terms might not understand to a point where he or she might get offended when it’s not intended; for example…”Say it wit ya chest” means to “Say it like you mean it.” If you say “Say it wit your chest” to the wrong person, especially a female at the wrong time, she might take it as a form of sexual harassment…then you might just find yourself in a predicament you don’t want to be in.
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